"I never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me." - Dudley Field Malone

Monday, November 1, 2010

Notes from Practice 11/1/10

Notes from Debate Practice

November 1, 2010


-Two types, equality of opportunity and equality of outcome

Equality of Opportunity-everyone in a society is provided with the same means to achieve goals etc. (starting line is the same).

Equality of Outcome-everyone in a society is provided with the same result for their efforts, i.e. for one hour of work everyone would receive sum a, for two hours of work everyone would receive sum b etc.

Which form of equality people want depends on their society or cultural values. For example in the US people desire equality of opportunity, where as in Sweden, and most of Europe equality of outcome is more desirable.

Equality of Opportunity-

- Creates a meritocracy

- Allows everyone to fully achieve or discover their talents

- Distributes resources on individual basis

-Resources distributed based on an individuals talent and drive

-Would this disadvantage those individuals with less talent?

-Can talent be developed over time?

-Would the subjective values of society still create a two-tiered system of “can and cannot”?

-Two kinds of dividing factors:

“Real” Factors- i.e. talent, merit, work ethic these factors would affect distribution of resources.

“Unreal” Factors- i.e. gender, race, education etc these factors would not affect the distribution of resources

-The goal of equality of opportunity is social mobility

Equality of Outcome-

-Prevent arbitrary evaluation of human worth

-Would varying efforts still receive the same resources?

- Not necessarily, society can ascribe a set result for a standardized outcome, i.e. one hour of work (see above)

- How would inheritance be addressed? (If parents passed on resources to their children they would no longer be equal)

-Possible solution of 100% death tax

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